How to optimize website SEO content?

 First look through the data, what you should know. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the new key to the success of every business. If you can rank your website on the first page of google, you are a winner. It has been observed that 95% of the total clicks on Google’s search engine are for websites listed on the Google homepage. Shock! ! The rest get 5% of the traffic. Now you probably understand the importance of SEO.

Some important SEO tips and some simple instructions:

Manage Keywords:- For best SEO practice, you can use long tail keywords, generic keywords. For example: EV Charging cable, Charging cables, EV cable...

Domain Name:- Before hosting a new website, you can purchase a domain name that indicates the type of business or business category. It will really help you to rank your website easily.

Backlinks:- Backlinks are a key feature that helps your website. Manage following - no following backlinks. Of course, the ratio of following and not following backlinks should be 80 and 20, respectively. Don't use low quality sites for backlinks, it can really hurt your business. You can try keywords or key sentences for anchor text, anchor links, such as: the application and characteristics of electric vehicle charging cables, the role of automotive high-voltage cables....

Social Media - Share your website with social media:- To get a lot of organic traffic, crush your website with social media like facebook, twitter, google plus, whats-app etc. For example: Follow @omg64 for more....

Image optimization:- Compress image size and give correct filename i.e. Flat-Rent.jpg (use dashes instead of underscores between keywords). Using Alt-Tags will definitely help you. Explain that images combined with text will probably attract more readers and get more views.

Engagement:- Keep your visitors engaged. The higher the engagement, the higher the success rate, i.e. the time the visitor has to spend on your website. If the site doesn't load properly, it takes more time, if the link breaks, the visitor quits... This is called bounce. So avoid bouncing.

Local SEO - Focus on local SEO. If you want to add more content, you can, for example:

You can also visit other language sites:

ev cables

ev ladekabel








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Description of cable requirements for electric vehicle charging modes

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